Wednesday, 21 January 2009

JaWaB TaG - FrOm NoRaiNi aka AiN

"The rules are simple. Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people..

I'mI really want to go to

bali, indonesia..emm bestnya dpt pg sana

My fav place

dpt tido kat atas sofa - heaven nya :p

My fav thing

camera la..setiap masa nak amik gambo..lg2 gambo umairah yg tgh membesar nie

My fav drinnk

juice apple - nikmat terasa bila dpt minum, lgpun elok utk diet nie

My fav food

ayam masak merah - mmg blh bertambah2 la aku mkn klu lauk nie terhidang atas meja mkn

My color I live in

red colour - klu blh semua benda nak red colour
I was born in

kat hospital besar klang

My school/college

aku study kat kolej profesional mara, beranang..
ada saper2 study kat sini tak?

My fav story

prison break - skang nie dh musim yg ke 3
syokkk ar tgk citer nie..layan tgk ngan hubby

My hobby

aku mmg la suka buat kek n segala jenis pastry
I wish

impian aku nak beli sebuah rumah..rumah apa2 pun takper asalkan itu adalah rumah kami sendiri..harap Allah permudahkan kami memiliki rumah impian kami nnti..insyaAllah

I want to tag..
  1. shumie
  2. suzy
  3. iena twins
  4. leeds
  5. maksu
  6. anne

hah jgn tak jwb tau :D


Thank you and Come Again...
Love you all mmuahhh..